Kananaskis Lakes Elopement

Banff Elopement Photographers

Kananaskis Lakes Elopement

This Kananaskis Lakes Elopement started just right with putting on our hiking boots and getting ready to explore one of our favourite trails with an awesome couple. This elopement was one of those nights that make us feel so incredibly grateful that we get to do this for a living. Meeting two adventurous humans, learning about how they found each other in life and creating memories that they will cherish for the rest of their lives.

We met this couple in the early afternoon ready for their elopement in the mountains. We geared up and got ready to hike. We were watching the weather radars like hawks the whole drive out. It was forecasted to rain and the sky confirmed that. Beautiful clouds hung in the valley masking parts of the mountains. It’s our favourite weather for a shoot like this as its so dynamic. You can get such a wide variety of images with the weather moving in and changing the scenery. This couple were down to embrace the elements so we headed off on our journey up a ridge to say their vows.

Adventure Hiking Elopement

These two love to adventure and we shared stories of our favourite hikes and trips in the mountains. When we got to the lookout, we walked around the ridge looking for the perfect place to share their vows. They then then helped each other get ready in their wedding clothes in the forest. The best part about eloping is that you can create your unique traditions. They walked down the ridge together overlooking the lakes and mountains and read meaningful words to one another. Afterwards they celebrated with wine that they got from their trip to Portugal and poured it into camp mugs.

We took our time taking portraits and exploring the area and just as we started packing up it started to rain. We got back to the cars and took a much needed snack break. Looking over the lake we could see the clouds drifting through and decided to make the most of it and head down to the lake shore for a few more photos. We had so much fun with these two and hope you enjoy their hiking elopement in Kananaskis.